about us

     Our vision for marley e is to seamlessly blend the unique styles of three generations - combining current trends with minimalist and classic aesthetics. Below, you'll find more information about us and our individual styles!

     Let me begin by introducing "Nonnie", my mom and personal idol. With over 30 years of experience as a sales rep, she has mastered the art of discovering top-notch products and reliable vendors. She is incredibly knowledgeable about trade shows and has developed a vast network of friends who offer invaluable advice to guide us on our journeyHer unwavering sense of style has remained consistent throughout the years, becoming a source of admiration for me. She effortlessly embodies the timeless aesthetic that defines our shop, serving as a cornerstone of its classic appeal.

     Next up is me, a proud mother and passionate animal enthusiast. I also possess an undying affection for fashion and accessories. With a decade of experience in the accessories industry, I have inherited my mother's keen eye for identifying exceptional products. When it comes to my personal style, I naturally gravitate towards minimalist casual looks. Playfully, those around me often joke that my favorite colors are black and gray.

     Last but certainly not least, there's my daughter. Despite her humble nature, she is an elite tumbler and a world champion cheerleader! Alongside her athletic prowess, she has her own distinct style and is unafraid to embrace it fully. Always keeping up with the latest trends, she has earned the reputation among her friends as the best dressed individual around. She brings a fresh and contemporary touch to our shop by incorporating the latest trends. With her finger on the pulse of fashion, she effortlessly infuses our collection with the current styles that customers desire.

     By combining these diverse styles, we offer a curated range of products that cater to a wide array of tastes and preferences. Whether you're seeking the latest trends, timeless classics, or minimalist pieces, marley e is here to meet your style needs!